Registered Veterinary Technician License Application

Prior to applying with the Veterinary Medical Board (Board), all applicants must apply directly to the AAVSB to take the VTNE. The VTNE is administered in three specific testing windows throughout the year and each application window has a deadline. Please refer to the AAVSB for the application and application deadlines for each examination window.
Once an applicant has successfully passed the VTNE and applied with the Board, the applicant must request a Veterinary Application for Uniform Licensure Transfer (VAULT) for veterinary technicians.

Personal Information Requirement

Note: A Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) is not acceptable.

Pathways to Completing the Education and/or Experience Requirements

AVMA CVTEA Graduates Pathway:

AVMA CVTEA graduates must request official transcripts from their school to be send to the Board. Transcripts can be sent to the Board’s email account at

Alternate Route Pathway

Applicants who have completed a certificate from a veterinary program in the Alternate Route pathway will need to submit all of the following: